College professor dating former student
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What’s Wrong With Sex Between Professors and Students? It’s Not What You Think.
What Happens When Professors See Their Students on Dating Apps?
A colleague took advantage of vague guidelines on staff-student relationships. We must end this abuse of power. It was apparently an open secret in the department and beyond. He was their personal tutor, too.
Is it time for Canadian universities to ban student-professor relationships?
Kunzi's course work suffered after she ended a "personal relationship" with the professor, she claimed in a lawsuit filed in federal court. He kept telephoning and texting her, according to the suit. Pratt and his attorney, Melissa Iyer Julian, declined to comment. ASU gave Pratt a written admonishment in after the allegations by Kunzi, records show.
Student-teacher relationships play an important role in both teacher and student experiences in higher education and have been found to be linked to learning, classroom management, and to student absenteeism. Although historically conceptualised in terms of immediacy or distance and measured with reference to behaviours, the growing recognition of the role of emotions and of power—as well as the development of a range of multidimensional models of social relationships—all suggest it is time to re-evaluate how student-teacher relationships are understood. The data supported the use of this multidimensional model for student-teacher relationships with both two- and three-dimensional models of relationships being identified as appropriate. The theoretical development of a multidimensional model and the empirical development of an instrument with which to explore these dimensions has important implications for higher education teachers, administrators and researchers.
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