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Apple is deleting all emails on its iCloud service that contain the phrase 'barely legal teen,' according to an investigation by a computing magazine. Macworld completed a test on the service, where they attempted to send two almost identical emails:. It's ridiculous. He's a barely legal teenage driver? What on earth is John thinking'. He's barely a legal teenage driver?
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At 18, Phillip Alpert forwarded pictures of girlfriend, Then the cops came. Because of that single action, Alpert, now 20, is a registered sex offender , Florida Department of Corrections No.
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In , renowned detective Lou Smit was asked to come out of retirement to help solve the Ramsey case. Instead, Smit said that DNA evidence pointed to an intruder breaking into the house and carrying out the sexually-motivated murder. Smit maintained that that "the Ramseys did not do it" and said there was "substantial, credible evidence of an intruder and a lack of evidence that the parents are involved". But the ace detective, who cracked some murder cases during his career, died in Since then a team of volunteers including his daughter, Cindy Smit-Mara, and former law enforcement officer John Anderson, has been continuing his work.
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