She is the founder and manager of her voice-acting company, Office Anemone. Inoue tends to play the " perfect girlfriend " or "motherly" role in many series, but has also played more sultry and provocative roles. Inoue's vocal roles are usually female characters characterized as dignified, reserved, beautiful, kind, regal, mature or domestic. For example, Belldandy , a goddess who is kind, compassionate and skilled at domestic tasks. Kasumi Tendo is an older sister who has taken over domestic duties after the death of her mother, and who acts as a counterbalance to the more rambunctious members of her family.
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Anime: UFO Princess Valkyrie
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Explanation by fafner00 on Tuesday, Explanation by seannor on Thursday, AniDB all anime character club collections creator episodes group mylist songs tags user Search. UFO Princess Valkyrie. They are often depicted as human beings with a pair of white feathered wings and sometimes with a halo. These stories are built upon funny characters, situations and events.
Anime Funservice
The strange and magical events of the last season have left Kazuto with two Valkyries. He now finds himself living with and looking after both a teenaged-princess Valkyrie, as well as the child-princess Valkyrie! And they still have not yet gotten married
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