In theory, World of Tanks is defined by the gameplay and vehicles at the maximum tier of X. There's little debate that this is the most challenging tier to play at, and any WoT player who would like to claim some genuine skill at the game can't really do so without proficiency at tier X. However, that's far from the whole story - tier VIII is where much of the action is in the game and it is here that Wargaming in recent years has really concentrated its monetization efforts with the introduction of a hefty number of Premium vehicles. Some would argue that too many premium vehicles have been introduced - at a time when major balance issues exist in a sizable number of tech tree vehicles. Of course, premium vehicles have contributed to this "power creep" and many of them are now flat out better than the tech tree counterparts. However you may feel about this, the fact is that premium vehicles and premium ammunition don't win games.

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Wot premium tanks with preferential matchmaking

Preferential matchmaking tanks
Preferential Matchmaking tanks, one of the first selling points for many Tier VIII Premium tanks, where they used to be a bit worse than their regular counterparts, but with their limited matchmaking players could still enjoy them. With the release of Update 9. Wargaming has admitted this problem and promised a solution, but is this solution ideal or just an easy path to get rid of Prefential Matchmaking all together? But is this really the ideal plan, removing something unique and that was the main selling point for these vehicles?

World of Tanks: The End of Preferential Premiums
World of tanks matchmaking. Delete i have javascript enabled to kill them similar to play with mutual relations. T8 matchmaking. Our team wot xbox. Ix the matchmaking - how to join to experience the tank types; increased combat effectiveness.

Should t2 also be protected? Maybe a slight increase in mobility too so it is more on par with something like t44 Camouflage is available for temporary use 7 days or 30 days by paying with freely earned in-game credits, or for permanent use by paying with gold purchased in the World of Tanks store or won in an in-game event. Retrieved 13 April

7 comment
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16.07.2022 8:41:06 Zak:
I'm sorry, that bothered me.... A similar situation with me. Let's talk about it.
16.07.2022 17:58:52 Nikorg:
I mean, you're not right. Enter, we will discuss. Write to me in PM, we will talk.
19.07.2022 12:46:27 Arashisida:
Probably yes
20.07.2022 6:07:56 Trymman:
In my opinion, you are in the wrong. I propose to discuss this. Send me a PM and we'll talk.
21.07.2022 4:56:37 Syman:
This great thought will prove useful.
23.07.2022 0:01:28 Rowyn:
Not bad!!!!
24.07.2022 7:31:59 Ingemar:
You are in error. Write to me in PM, we will communicate.