Vaginal itch and discharge are two common symptoms that keep women wondering if something is wrong. Itching in and near your vagina can be caused by something simple, like irritation from sweat, fragrance or chemicals in soap or detergents , or something else like a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis or a sexually transmitted disease. If itching is sudden and severe, especially if accompanied by pain, you may want to talk to your doctor first. Have you started using new products? This could be a new soap, lotion, laundry detergent, fabric softener or medicine.
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Can natural remedies cure vaginal dryness?
Best Home Remedies For Vaginal Discharge - Tua Saúde
As soon as the itching starts, so does the yeast infection panic. Some women worry that all vaginal itching and irritation are signs of a yeast infection. Other are so afraid of yeast infections they use special soaps and cleansers hoping to stop them, not realizing that might actually make it worse. The problem is, most women can't reliably and accurately diagnose their own yeast infections, said gynecologist Dr. Jen Gunter.
Labial fusion
The rise of celebrity and social media culture has formed a dangerous trend of beauty and health hacks. But is there actually any truth to them? Reduced oestrogen hormone levels are the primary cause of vaginal dryness—also known as atrophic vaginitis— and is often triggered by menopause, childbirth, depression and more. A decrease in vaginal lubrication can lead to burning and itching, which can be extremely irritating and uncomfortable.
Vaginal discharge can be treated naturally with the use of guava leaf tea and by following a proper diet that promotes restoration of normal vaginal flora levels. However, if the discharge continues even after 3 days of home treatment, you should see your doctor. Condoms should also be used during sexual intercourse while completing any home treatment for vaginal discharge to avoid the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.
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25.05.2022 21:51:49 Merestun:
Wonderful, this valuable message