She was a semifinalist on cycle 12 , placed in the top four on cycle 14 and was the original winner of All-Stars , before being disqualified. Angelea's first appearance on the show was in cycle She revealed to the judges that she had to sleep in a bus terminal to get to the audition, and it was also revealed to the other girls that she had a daughter who died. She was known for rubbing some of the girls the wrong way, namely Sandra.
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America's Next Top Model Contestants Who Can't Stand Tyra Banks
'America's Next Top Model' contestant sues Tyra Banks, The CW |
The Tyra Banks that you know and love is back. A beautiful, leggy babe who gives an amazing, unrushed, sensual experience which will keep you coming back time and time again. Tyra aims to please and will leave you feeling fully satisfied. You must be logged in to view comments.
Former escort-turned-‘Top Model’ contestant sues Tyra Banks
A former American's Next Top Model contestant — who appeared on three seasons of the show, eventually winning the All Stars edition — has spoken out about having her title revoked, claiming that the decision was made after the show's producers discovered she previously worked as an escort. Preston took part in seasons 12 and 14 of the series, later going on to win season 17 in Now, more than a decade on, she's revealed what lead to her disqualification. Explaining where it all began, Preston revealed she fell on hard times after filming seasons 12 and 14, leaving her struggling for money.
Angelea Preston filed the suit in Los Angeles on Wednesday, alleging breach-of-contract. For those who don't remember Preston or for those who only remember ANTM episodes as a blur of hazy Pinot Grigio memories that are mostly about Miss Jay's rants about bad catwalk attempts here's a refresher. Preston was originally a contestant in Cycle 12 but was eliminated. The show brought her back for Cycle 14, where she was again eliminated before the finale.
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