Robot Chicken is an American adult animated stop motion sketch comedy television series, created and executive produced for Adult Swim by Seth Green and Matthew Senreich along with co-head writers Douglas Goldstein and Tom Root. The writers, most prominently Green, also provide many of the voices. Senreich, Goldstein, and Root were formerly writers for the popular action figure hobbyist magazine ToyFare. Continuing the concept of the web series, the show creators pitched Robot Chicken as a television series, the name being inspired by a dish on the menu at a West Hollywood Chinese restaurant, Kung Pao Bistro, where Green and Senreich had dined. Other ideas for the series' name included Junk in the Trunk , The Deep End , and Toyz in the Attic ; some of these would be reworked into episode titles for the first season. However, someone at that network passed the pitch along to its nighttime programming block, Adult Swim , around the same time that Seth MacFarlane various voices, —present told Green and Senreich to pitch the show to the channel.
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Kyler Murray is directing his anger at the wrong target
Robot Chicken - Wikipedia
Maybe Kyler Murray believed what he was saying. Maybe he really was mad and frustrated, not at the Arizona Cardinals , but at us. Maybe he was angry at people like me, who write, report and impart commentary about notable happenings in the NFL. Agreed, Kyler. Totally disrespectful.
Deep Purple
This page has been archived and is no longer updated. My son is 4 years old now, and one of his favorite activities is listening to true stories about things that have happened to people he knows. Sometimes it's hard to come up with stories that are both interesting and age-appropriate on the spot - so I often tell him about misadventures or natural things I observed during fieldwork. This morning, he also requested a long long long real story, so I started in on describing the time I was lucky enough to join an expedition through the northern Line Islands in the central Pacific.
Deep Purple are an English rock band formed in London in Deep Purple have had several line-up changes and an eight-year hiatus — This line-up was active from to and was revived from to and again from to
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21.05.2022 14:22:57 Kade:
SUPER everything, GENERAL COOUTOO, if it were real
22.05.2022 19:17:41 Ara:
This is a good idea, just by the way
24.05.2022 16:06:34 Lean:
looked at the big screen!
25.05.2022 20:25:40 Pelltun:
Agree, the message very useful