The skin of your vagina is the most delicate of your entire anatomy. The only way to know percent for sure is to see your gyno for tests. A smooth, painless bump jutting out from the skin is probably just a skin tag, says Minkin. Skin tags are super common benign growths that often pops up along body regions where skin rubs against skin—like your groin and upper thighs. One or several red bumps that are closed and remain closed until they heal are most likely razor bumps, a zit, or a rash triggered by an allergic reaction, says Minkin.
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7 Reasons Your Vagina Itches
Vaginal Itching Causes
What's your favourite vagina myth? The one about them having teeth? Or the one about them secretly being inverted penises? We don't know why, but there's still a bunch of false information being bandied around about our lady parts.
4 Reasons Why You Get Pimples on the Vagina After Shaving Pubes
Dr Aamina iqbal. Updated On December 23, 2 min read. Pimples may appear on your vagina after shaving which can be a terrible feeling.
Jessica Migala has been a health, fitness, and nutrition writer for almost 15 years. She has contributed to more than 40 print and digital publications, including EatingWell, Real Simple, and Runner's World. Jessica had her first editing role at Prevention magazine and, later, Michigan Avenue magazine in Chicago. She currently lives in the suburbs with her husband, two young sons, and beagle.
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21.04.2022 13:04:23 Milrajas:
His incredible sentence ... :)
21.04.2022 18:05:48 Samukree:
Thanks for the information, it's really worth keeping in mind, by the way I couldn't find anything sensible on this subject anywhere on the net. Although in real life I have often encountered that I did not know how to behave or what to say when it came to something like this.
23.04.2022 0:12:28 Al-Fahl:
I think he is wrong. Write me a PM and discuss it.
24.04.2022 18:04:34 alard:
In my opinion, you are wrong. I can prove it. Write me a PM and we will talk.
30.04.2022 13:23:03 Tiffney:
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30.04.2022 16:07:40 Kagagal:
You are making a mistake. I suggest to discuss it. Write to me in PM, we will talk.