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Description: In her quiet, determined way, she also decided when fame hit that she would have a life as well as a career. She changed again before she filmed a street scene with the Irish former line-dancing instructor Colin on all his emotions: Blonde beauty, with a green bow. A theater on Bowling Green's campus is named after her. Marshall in Middle of the Night by Paddy Chayefsky.
The movie, one of our five all-time faves the others being "Singing in the Rain," "Mr. Seeing the film again on the big screen was so exciting, Saint said earlier this week by phone. Saint said that working with Hitchcock and Cary Grant was thrilling and that Hitch's reputation with women, especially blondes, seemed overplayed. But a few years ago, Saint said, she was on a panel with other Hitchcock leading ladies, listening to their stories about working with the director. As for Grant, Saint said that she hasn't read much about the handsome leading man's sexual proclivities or his alleged dark side.
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