Needle in penis

Although you probably find the idea of injecting something into your penis unappealing, many men are highly satisfied with this therapy and will testify to the ease and effectiveness of the injections. Before using the therapy on your own at home, your doctor will show you how to inject the medication. Improper injection and any subsequent scarring can lead to penile curvature and nodules in the penis, so it is important to get proper training before beginning injection therapy. The medication is injected along either lateral side of the penis. First, the medication is drawn into a syringe, usually an insulin-type syringe with a short, very fine needle.
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Penile Injection Therapy

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Patient Guide to Penile Injections | Patient Education | UCSF Health

A teenager who went to hospital because he couldn't urinate for three days was found to have a sewing needle inside his penis. The year-old, from Tunis in Tunisia , admitted he had pushed the needle inside himself for sexual pleasure. Doctors had to use forceps to pull out the sharp object which had become lodged 5cm 2inches inside him. In a case report they said cases like this are 'very rare' and revealed patients' diagnoses are often delayed because of 'shame and embarrassment'.
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Boy, 14, couldn’t pee after shoving 3.5inch sewing needle into his penis for sexual pleasure

This information will help you learn to inject medication into your penis. This is called penile injection therapy. Penile injections can help you achieve an erection if you have erectile dysfunction ED. The tissue that causes you to get an erection erectile tissue is a muscle.
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Teen needed needed removed during emergency surgery in north-western China after his mum spotted him 'walking slowly'. A teenage boy stuck a needle up his penis in a desperate bid to stop himself falling asleep so he could finish his homework. The studious year-old used his nan's acupuncture needle and inserted the 4-inch spike into his own urethra. He only confessed to his mum 15 hours later, after she noticed he was walking slower than normal and appeared to be in pain.
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