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The plot: Laura Laura Angel runs a call girl agency. We see her girls working for her. At the end, she does more than management Scene 2: Jane Darling ass fucked and facialized on a chair, in a bar with windows on a swimming pool by Robby Blake. Very hot scene, Jane is gorgeous in black stockings!
From the yacht to a luxurious estate, these beauties are eager to provide their services. With perks like these it's always a pleasure to go to work. We don't have any reviews for Call Girls De Luxe. These films contain excessive graphic violence, intense or explicit sex, depraved, abhorrent behavior, explicit drug abuse, strong language, explicit nudity, or any other elements which, at present, most parents would consider too strong and therefore off-limits for viewing by their children and teens.
Sign in. Title: Call girls de luxe Video Though rooted in the subject of high-priced escorts, Marc Dorcel's "Call Girls de Luxe" more closely resembles his tropical paradise genre - porn's answer to getting away from it all. Apart from a smattering of untranslated small talk in French, the feature relies solely on voice-over narration, as star Laura Angel portrays an elegant Madam, telling us about her top clients and their sex with her girls, all nicely illustrated in a series of vignettes.