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FTKL’sTicklingFantasies – The Tickle Casting Couch! Pt. 61 Rachel Adams!
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By Bobbie Whiteman For Dailymail. The year-old actress slipped a bottle of wine into a Celine Dion tote bag as they stood outside a store. Rachel wore a blue and white striped blouse, black jeans, and studded sandals on a day when the temperature hit 80F. The Canadian left her long blonde wavy hair to cascade over her shoulders and covered her eyes with a large pair of shades. Her mom Sandra, a red-head, donned a grey T-shirt, knee-length denim shorts and Nike sneakers.
Rachel McAdams tucks a bottle of wine into Celine Dion bag as she and her mom pick up a few goodies
The children brought a tear to the eye of everyone in church as they sang World in Union and Can You Feel the Love Tonight while waving Welsh flags and wearing specially made wedding T-shirts and traditional costume. But the year-old never lost touch with her former pupils on frequent visits home and wanted them all to be part of her wedding day. Rachel had a few tears but managed to compose herself.
That seems to be the theme at the Toronto International Film Festival , which is noticeably lightening up a year after having a slate dominated by dour Iraq-war movies. But people do what they can to laugh," says Cameron Bailey, codirector of the fest, whose 33rd edition launhes Thursday and runs through Sept. As the world's largest public film festival, this year's blowout will draw over movie stars, screen films from 64 countries and sell about , tickets to the city's mass of cinema-crazed denziens. While more countries represented at TIFF '08—including a first-time entry from the Bahamas—the number of films has shrunk by 40 from last year's total. The reason for fewer films?