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Hundreds of Western Australian women and girls - some as young as 14 - have been caught up in a nude photo scandal. The victims originally sent the images privately to a source they trusted but who then shared the images online, reported Seven News. The latest photo scandal comes after authorities shut down a site in February that contained explicit images of young female students from across Australia. Scroll down for video. Hundreds of photos of woman and teenagers have been leaked online in a nude photo scandal the images above are not related to the recent leak.
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Naked farm babes get down to their wellies as they pose by tractors for a bizarre German calendar

The stunning models, all from rural backgrounds in Germany, stripped off for the Bavarian Girls Edition calendar. They posed up a storm on tractors and with farming equipment as they stripped to their underwear. While it looks like an ordinary pin-up calendar showing beautiful girls, it had an ulterior motive as well. Under the motto of "24 hours backstage", the 13th edition of the young farmer girls' calendar features six girls from different regions across Bavaria.
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Almost three-quarters of teenage girls say they have faced pressure to send nude images on their mobile phones, according to a student survey in one school. Students at Ardscoil Mhuire, Limerick, said laws need to be updated to reflect the behaviour of young people when it comes to so-called "sexting". Pupil Erin Barrett said: "We noticed it becoming a huge issue in our class when we did a survey and 20 out of 27 girls in our class said they had been faced with the issue.
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Please refresh the page and retry. P icture this: a year-old boy is flirting with one of his year-old classmates on his phone. She sends him one back. Their teachers find out and report it to the police.
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