Most of the women I know from my practice, sitting in TV audiences, and the scores that I meet as I travel the country are concerned about weight or strength training. They think that picking up weights during a workout will make their delicate female bodies resemble that of a bodybuilder. Think again. Female bodies naturally contain more fat for childbearing. The upside is that building muscle will help you burn fat faster and get the toned body that makes you look and feel younger. As for the bodybuilding effect, forget about it!
What can you achieve as a female lifter? There seem to be only 2 camps. The general public thinks a woman that touches a loaded barbell will wake up the next day as the SheHulk. People with a bit more understanding of exercise physiology realize that this is obviously nonsense. One look around you in the average gym makes it clear that getting seriously big is difficult even for men. There is truth to this, but the causality runs in the opposite direction.
Scroll down for an important introduction to building muscle. And, see the bottom of your screen to navigate this handbook's pages. It's for both men and women.
By Shannon Lane shannonroselane. Rahki Giovanni from Miami, Florida began pumping iron in to help her mental and physical health. At one point, the young woman would spend eight hours in the gym at a time and now has an extremely defined body and thighs so muscular they can crush watermelons. I was overweight, it was obvious that I had a lot of baggage but as far as inside I was done, it was rotten.