A person may be considered to be a transgender person if their gender identity is inconsistent or not culturally associated with the sex they were assigned at birth and consequently also with the gender role and social status that is typically associated with that sex. They may have, or may intend to establish, a new gender status that accords with their gender identity. Transsexual is generally considered a subset of transgender , [1] [2] [3] but some transsexual people reject being labelled transgender. Globally, most legal jurisdictions recognize the two traditional gender identities and social roles, man and woman , but tend to exclude any other gender identities and expressions.
Transgender hate crimes recorded by police go up 81%
Transgender Rights | American Civil Liberties Union
We continue to produce events and special projects while we explore where the on-site journalism goes next. As well as boosting the national economy, the call center business has had another, perhaps unexpected, effect: It has provided transgender women with a safe space to express their gender identities at work. Kate Montecarlo Cordova has been working in call centers for 13 years. But call centers are different.
The goals of the project are to introduce more Americans to who transgender people are, develop winning campaign messages and strategies, and equip policymakers and campaigners with the proven strategies and tools needed to successfully advocate for laws that make transgender people safer and more equal. About 4 hours ago. Each day we're publishing the latest about our work with the Transgender Freedom Project — including compelling new stories, facts about the discrimination transgender Americans face, and exciting news on how we're moving forward.
Jump to navigation Skip navigation. With our reach into the courts and legislatures of every state, there is no other organization that can match our record of making progress both in the courts of law and in the court of public opinion. Need help?