Lice are tiny insects called parasites that spread by personal contact, as well as by sharing belongings. Children are particularly likely to catch and spread lice. There are three main types of lice. The most common symptom of any type of lice is itching.
Head lice pediculosis capitis are highly contagious, and the most prominent symptom of a head lice infestation includes intense scalp itching. The human head louse is a tiny insect that feeds on human blood. The female louse lays eggs nits on the hair shaft close to the scalp, and they become glued to the hair shaft. The nits hatch about 8—10 days later and begin to feed with any remaining adults. The nits can stay alive for a long period of time off of the body, such as on hairbrushes, furniture, or linens.
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Short answer: yes. While kids tend to get head lice more often , adult hair can most definitely house an infestation. Teachers, moms, dads, daycare providers You can even get it if you aren't around kids.