Directed by: David Dobkin. And the odd thing is that in each of these movies the actors freely swap out who's the star and who plays the supporting character or just makes a cameo appearance. This time around, in Wedding Crashers , it is Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn's turn to star and it is Ferrell who makes the cameo appearance. The one constant in all of those movies, including this one, is that they are consistently hilarious. Wilson and Vaughn play John and Jeremy, two divorce mediators whose hobby is crashing weddings and picking up women so besotted by the romance of the ceremony that they'll sleep with anyone. But after years of doing this, John is getting tired and at the biggest wedding of the season, breaks one of the many Wedding Crasher rules by falling in love with Claire; one of the bridesmaids.
The film follows two divorce mediators Wilson and Vaughn who crash weddings in an attempt to meet and seduce bridesmaids. At the end of a season of successful crashes, Jeremy takes John to a wedding for the daughter of the U. Jeremy ends up having sex with Gloria on a nearby beach during the reception. Gloria is possessive and quickly becomes obsessed with Jeremy, and Jeremy urges John to escape the reception with him. Meanwhile, John ingratiates himself with the Secretary whom he has long admired and attempts to court Claire, the maid of honor. He is interrupted in his pursuit by her hotheaded boyfriend, Sack Lodge Bradley Cooper , who repeatedly mentions his intent that they get married but is unfaithful and disrespectful behind her back.
Go comatose for me, baby. I saw it and liked it! It was the highest-grossing comedy of , topping vastly more expensive box-office rivals like Batman Begins , Charlie and the Chocolate Factory , and Mr. But despite its massive success, Wedding Crashers never got a sequel. So when it arrived on Netflix earlier this month, it seemed like a movie that was long overdue for revisiting.
What's old is new again, kind of, in the amiably raunchy sex comedy "Wedding Crashers. The latest chapter in the endless movie epic about childish men and the women who mother them, this film basically presents an R-rated riff on the usual Mutt and Jeff, Hope and Crosby pairings, "The Road to Bootytown" for Maxim page-flippers. Credited to the screenwriters Steve Faber and Bob Fisher, and directed by David Dobkin, the film trumpets an amusingly tasteless premise: Mr. Wilson and Mr.