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Where once the fashion community snubbed heavily tattooed bodies, Baldwin has witnessed recent deviations from the standard clean-shaven masculine ideal to one that embraces otherness and self-expression. Skin Deep , an exhibition of more than one hundred photographs of nude male models exposing their ink, is his ode to the intersections between two mainstream art forms—fashion and photography—with the art of the tattoo. The photographer, who has modeled and has tattoos himself, reached out to a diverse set of subjects, each with their own stories. Instead, he allows each model to bare as much or as little as he pleases, both physically and psychically. The thing about tattoos, he suggests, is that they can cut one of two ways: while they can reveal the vulnerabilities of their bearers, they also can shield and fortify their defenses. Thus far, Skin Deep has been entirely funded by the photographer and his team.
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This is it. Granted, tattoos won't always kill your chances of getting laid. In fact, men have been wearing them for thousands of years. They often signal strength, toughness, grit. This Is Why. Studies show that tattoos make you look more masculine , aggressive, and dominant.
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It happened last night, when he performed at the Super Bowl and quickly stripped out of a geometric tank top that reminded the American public of their own generically dull Target pillows , Walmart curtains, and — for a select few — Louis Vuitton bags. Later, he got a beaded necklace in Japan because he was bored. Herewith, a taxonomy. Where : His entire back. Sunflower Where : Right peck.
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Are you ready to see the sexiest pin up girl tattoos the world has ever seen? One of the oldest, most recognizable tattoo designs is that of the pin up girl. The pin up is a woman you find so alluring that you just want to pin her picture to the wall so you can see her all the time.
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