Over the past decade, advertisers have spent untold millions trying to turn Talia Kocar and her peers in the millennial generation into loyal customers. But on a recent afternoon in Santa Monica, Calif. Kocar, 25, watched a focus group of teenagers drink free Snapple and suck Doritos powder off their thumbs while answering questions about their smartphones. Kocar works on Wishbone, a social networking application full of breezy polls about pop culture, prom dresses and other fixtures of teenage life. Users — most of them girls — post side-by-side pictures that compare rappers Lil Wayne or Tyga? Like most social media apps, Wishbone users achieve status by amassing friends who vote with a thumb tap.
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Ways Youth Groups Can Reach Out to Christian Teens
Find out more about cookies and your privacy in our policy. ReachOut are running a new wave of recruitment for research about our users and want to hear from you! Tell me more. The Silva sisters from Tiddas 4 Tiddas, reflect on their experiences as young Aboriginal women, entrepreneurs and role models.
One in three teens will experience some form of abuse in their dating relationships. If you have someone in your life who might be at risk, reach out. Learn how to identify the red flags and warning signs of abuse among teens and young adults and explore effective ways to begin the conversation with a young person about healthy and unhealthy relationships. Get advice from experts and survivors about effective ways to begin the conversation with a young person who might be in an unhealthy relationship.