How to be a gay top

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17 Tips for Being a Better Top

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Everything You Wanted To Know About Tops And Bottoms | HuffPost Life

Straight people tend to get a little hung up on titles and roles in queer relationships. When it comes to gay sex , many people tend to think rigidly and a little too heteronormatively for their own good: one person is the top aka the giver or the more dominant partner during sex , and one is the bottom the receiver or the submissive partner. Of course, as with anything related to sex, the binary relationship between tops and bottoms is a lot more complicated than that. Sex is fluid! To dig a little deeper, we asked queer men about topping and bottoming, the stereotypes associated with both and how they choose to use or not! A bottom or submissive is usually the receptive partner during penetrative sex or the individual who cedes control.
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How To Top Like A Stud

First, what is a top? A top is a person doing the penetrating during anal sex. Despite what some perceive, the top isn't always the most dominant partner in the relationship.
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This is clearly not the case, especially for those people who consider themselves versatile HIYA. But it ought not to be impossible to sexually switch things up. Sure, people have a preference, but now could be the perfect time to escape the top or bottom prison you live in.
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