Over the past decade, LGBT people in India have increasingly gained tolerance and acceptance, especially in large cities. Same-sex couples are not legally recognized currently in any form, yet performing a symbolic same-sex marriage is not prohibited under Indian law either. Since , transgender people in India have been allowed to change their gender without sex reassignment surgery , and have a constitutional right to register themselves under a third gender. Additionally, some states protect hijras , a traditional third gender population in South Asia , through housing programmes, and offer welfare benefits, pension schemes, free surgeries in government hospitals, as well as other programmes designed to assist them. There are approximately 4. The Hindu Khajuraho temples , famous for their erotic sculptures, contain several depictions of homosexual activity.
Seventy-four percent of U. Subscribe to receive weekly Gallup News alerts. Never miss our latest insights. Of 21 personal behaviors and practices measured, Americans agree most widely that birth control is morally acceptable and that extramarital affairs are morally wrong. More Americans continue to believe sexual orientation is present at birth rather than a result of upbringing. Fifty years after Woodstock became the symbol of s social upheaval, Gallup trends highlight how much has changed in U. Notice: JavaScript is not enabled.
LGBT rights. Religious freedom bill 'will sustain nastiness and hostility', Michael Kirby warns. Former high court justice says law will result in rise in both religious intolerance and anti-religious hostility. Published: AM.
Rights affecting lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender LGBT people vary greatly by country or jurisdiction — encompassing everything from the legal recognition of same-sex marriage to the death penalty for homosexuality. In addition, the death penalty is a possible punishment in 6 other countries: Afghanistan, Brunei, Mauritania, Pakistan, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. Following the issuance of the report, the United Nations urged all countries which had not yet done so to enact laws protecting basic LGBT rights.