All stories in the regular issues contain stories of romance between men, are between and 23, words, and include explicit male-male sexual content. The special spring issue shifts the focus to women, and all stories in that issue include explicit female-female sexual content. If you want to read a bunch of gay smut, ranging from Japanese schoolboys pining for each other to space pirates to heartbroken monsters to that cute barista who you just need to talk to omg, you can spend a LONG time in the archive. I mean, a long time.
we have adapted to change • A List and Summary of My Shousetsu Bang*Bang Works
As of December 11, , SSBB consists of 33 regular yaoi issues, 6 special yuri issues, and 1 artist special issue containing illustrations and sequential art. It reflects SSBB's origins in the community profile:. In recent months, SSBB has also added a separate website to mirror zine releases as well as created announcement accounts on Twitter , Tumblr , Facebook , DeviantArt , and y! SSBB also encourages contributers to use mangaka-styled pseudonyms and gives "style points" for those who incorporate Japanese puns into their names. It released another yuri summer special issue the following year. In November of , petronia stepped down as editor and handed over all duties to ladysisyphus and bebblebabe.
Go check the shousetsubangbang? And I thought it would be nice to have some links to them here, and summaries and then I can be a good girl and go add the summaries to the SSBB wiki so people can read all my business. So, here we go, all the things what I have wrote. In chronological order.
Issues are published bimonthly, with special issues in the spring and fall, and all are available online for free. All stories in the regular issues contain stories of romance between men, are between and 25, words, and include explicit male-male sexual content. The special spring issue shifts the focus to women, and all stories in that issue include explicit female-female sexual content. Though tone and subject vary from story to story, the spirit of the 'zine is one that encourages true love and happy endings. About Publish Join Sign In.