Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key. David Bruinooge, 42, a Brooklyn, N. Bruinooge said his thought was the march would start in the morning and end at the site of the Pride festival. Pride events, including the Pride Parade set to take place on June 10, said he has spoken with Bruinooge and expects that Capital Pride officials will collaborate with the march organizers so the march and the D.
Known as Stonewall 2. Obama grapples with other pieces of his domestic agenda like the health care overhaul and the economic recovery. You have young activists and gay people from all walks of life converging on Washington not because a national organization told them to, but because they feel the time is now. But at the rally, some gave the speech low marks for lacking anything new and failing to acknowledge several major issues confronting the movement. The president did not lay out a timetable to repeal the ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in the military, voice support for any of the battles going on at state levels to allow same-sex couples more recognition under the law nor mention the march.
It was meant to be a unifying show of strength at a critical juncture in the gay rights movement. But a march planned for Sunday on the Mall in Washington is exposing deep divisions among gay rights advocates around the country as they grapple with whether to continue pushing for gains state by state, or embrace a more aggressive strategy to pressure the Obama administration and Congress for federal action. The march is occurring as referendum campaigns in Maine and Washington State seek to overturn laws that expand the rights of same-sex couples. Faced with the specter of a defeat similar to the passage of Proposition 8 in California last year, gay rights advocates have split over whether an undertaking as large and expensive as a march on Washington will come at the expense of ballot fights this fall.
The following is a calendar of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender LGBT events. This mainly comprises pride parades but also includes other kinds of events such as sporting events and film festivals. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.