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Yessssssss, stream after stream of thick, warm cum shooting all over your belly in all its sloppy glory. You look down at it all, glistening on your tummy in the light. You scoop some up with your fingers, raise them to your lips AND…. Suddenly, the thought of eating your own cum is now the furthest thing from your mind and all you want to do is clean up and get back to playing video games. When I was younger I spent a lot of time trying to psych myself up to eat my own cum but I always ended up chickening out.
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I have been torn for years about whether or not I am gay. What I am about to tell will answer that question once and for all. I began an online correspondence with a guy after meeting him on a gay chat site. Like me, he was married, but was much younger than me. We would chat on Yahoo Messenger and talk about sucking cock and how much we both wanted to try it. Then one day he went on cam and displayed an awesome seven inch cock that just took my breath away.
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Those reasons—more intense orgasms, makin' babies—are all pretty predictable. So too is the existence of a site like bigger loads. Over the years, we've seen an increasing preoccupation— due, perhaps, to the evolution and proliferation of cum-focused porn or supplement marketing —among men with the size, force, and consistency of their jizz. It can be hard to know if the common advice you'll find floating around the internet is reliable.
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