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Self-exposed nudity on the net: displacements of obscenity and beauty? This article focuses on images of nude female bodies that circulate today within the media, and on the internet in particular. Prime attention is given to the images that women publish as self portraits. From a genealogical perspective, we examine the politicization involved in a new set of practices, diverse but recent, and how they impact on current redefinitions of beauty standards and criteria defining what is considered to be obscene. Over the last few decades, the boundaries around what kinds of images can be legitimately shown in public have been redrawn, particularly where sexuality and women's naked bodies are concerned Sibilia,
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My personal experience stepping outside of my comfort zone was the time that I posed for Playboy. My personal experience stepping outside of my comfort zone was the time that I posed for Playboy I knew I would have to bare it all at the time of the shoot and I was fine with it. I was standing in the Playboy studio and was introduced to all the people that would be working that day to make this shoot happen.
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We regularly see the actors themselves — not stunt doubles — hoist each other up on to their shoulders, perform daring leaps and impressive suplexes. They hit the canvas hard and simply get up again. Female nudity played for comedy is vanishingly rare on screen.
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