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Tucson Pride organizes and promotes the greater Tucson metropolitan areas LGBT pride parade "Pride on Parade" and pride festival "Pride in the Desert" which are currently held at the start of October each year in Tucson , Arizona , to celebrate the lesbian , gay , bisexual , and transgender LGBT community and their allies. Tucson Pride is a non-profit organization. All members of the Board of Directors for Tucson Pride, as well as its committees, serve on a strictly volunteer basis. No member receives any payment, financial or otherwise, for serving. There are currently 10 members serving on the Board of Directors. The Tucson Pride events, "Pride on Parade" [1] [2] and "Pride in the Desert" [3] are funded by a combination of community fundraising by the pride committee, corporate sponsorship's, vendor fees and donations collected from the participants at the festival.
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Living Out Loud | LGBTQI | Health & Wellness Program

Not finding the right group for you? Try contacting one of our Therapists in Arizona for guidance. Let us know if you're interested. We can give you the timings and discuss costs and insurance. Your email will go straight to the professional running the support group. Please keep it fairly short i. A confirmation copy will be emailed to you.
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Tucson Pride

Columbia St. Grant Rd. Tucson, AZ www. Recruiting LGBT individuals to be become licensed therapeutic foster care and respite care providers.
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Preparation of analysis and schedules needed for the year-end audit process. The Accounting Manager works closely with the Controller to insure that Garden financial policies and procedures are followed. They serve as a key resource to explore ways the Finance and Accounting Department can support Garden operations. Review invoices coding prior to payments; prepare Form for all applicable vendors; manage research and correction of any vendor payment issues. Reconcile pledges and contributions in collaboration with the Membership and Philanthropy Department monthly for all levels of membership, and verify that all classifications of contributions reconcile with Membership and Philanthropy records.
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