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According to the Broward Sheriff's Office, detectives with the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force began investigating Hassan Jawad, 37, earlier this month after receiving information that a computer had been advertising or sharing child pornography images online since January. More Crime Headlines Former volunteer hockey coach arrested on child porn charges YouTube star pleads guilty to child porn charge Private Christian school employee arrested on child pornography charges BSO spokeswoman Joy Oglesby said in a news release that detectives uncovered a number of videos and photos of boys engaged in sexual acts with other boys or men. Most of the victims appeared to be between the ages of 7 and 13, she said.
Don't have an account yet? Get the most out of your experience with a personalized all-access pass to everything local on events, music, restaurants, news and more. Last spring, a legal tussle started over the past life of a Palm Beach-area math tutor. What was behind the move?