What's more devastating: Knowing that we all missed a half-naked shot of Josh Duhamel or the fact that he's not married to Fergie anymore? I'll wait. Turns out, she accidentally captured a naked Duhamel, 45, in the background and fans freaked out. She captioned the Instagram, "Feel comfortable in your own skin. No one can take that away from you" with a heart emoji.
According to People , the now since-deleted video showed the actress moving her phone up and down to fully capture her figure. While she was recording the video, the reflection of a man who appeared to be Duhamel appeared in the mirror behind her. The magazine claimed the man in the video pulled down his pants and struggled to get them off one of his legs. As he tried to undress, he reportedly turned toward the camera.
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Published: July 25, The Baby Driver beauty, who was previously linked to dance DJ Calvin Harris in , and Liam Hemsworth in , has been busy filming back-to-back projects in recent months, with five movies currently in post-production, including Alita: Battle Angel, Welcome to Marwen, and Cut Throat City. We encourage all readers to share their views on our articles and blog posts. We are committed to maintaining a lively but civil forum for discussion, so we ask you to avoid personal attacks, and please keep your comments relevant and respectful.