Joker is an American graphic novel published by DC Comics in Written by Brian Azzarello and illustrated by Lee Bermejo , it is based on characters from DC's Batman series, focusing primarily on the title character. It is a unique take on the Batman mythos , set outside regular continuity [ citation needed ] and narrated by one of the Joker's henchmen. The miniseries Batman: Damned is a stand-alone sequel to the graphic novel, with the miniseries incorporating certain details, settings, and designs that hint at the two stories sharing a connected narrative. Azzarello and Bermejo had previously worked on a similar take on Superman 's archenemy in Lex Luthor: Man of Steel , and Joker grew out of a discussion following completion of that project.
Joker HC, signed by Brian Azzarello or Lee Bermejo!
Joker began life as a miniseries planned for October , but DC instead decided to release it as an original hardcover in time for Halloween. This has proven a wise decision, for the book works incredibly well as a concise chunk of dystopian mayhem, an innovative reading of an equally beloved and feared character. Frost is a typical Gotham scumbag, a thug fighting his wife over divorce papers, trying to make ends meet. Frost tells his tale with a sense of growing fear and irony. Much of the narration, like the action itself, is far from clear-cut and open to interpretation.
Brian Azzarello has achieved both huge sales and acclaim with his comic Bullets, and has also written Cage, Hellblazer and Loveless. He also wrote one of the six scripts for the Batman: Gotham Knight animated movie. For nearly fifty years, he's terrorised Gotham and the world, crippled Batgirl and killed the second Robin. He is Batman's greatest nemesis. His name is the Joker!