Dear Amy: My husband of five years has a painting of his ex-wife who is posing partially nude that he displays in our home. Am I wrong to feel disrespected and to want the painting to go away? Dear Not: In my book, unless it is the Renaissance and you are a member of the House of Medici, all family portraits hanging in the home should be A: of actual family members, and B: fully clothed. Supply the artist with a photograph of your ex I assume you have one. Depict him with long, flowing hair astride a horse with his shirt ripped open the way you see on the cover of romance novels.
Nude ex-wife keeps hanging around the house (6/1/11) – The Denver Post
MUM Sonja Morgenstern thinks being naked at home is completely natural — and important for her young son to see a healthy female body. They should see nakedness as normal. He knows all about his body and uses the proper words for his body parts. Some mornings I see people at their desks as I walk around with my boobs out.
I walk around the house naked and let my 2-year-old daughter follow me into the bathroom when I pee. I don't want her raised like me, to think that being seen as you were born is something shameful. It's my personal statement against puritanism, societally imposed self-hatred, and doing laundry.
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