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Being gay is often a sobering experience, but are gay people really that sober? National surveys have tackled this question as much as they can by comparing straight and gay drinking rates and the verdict is more black-and-white than rainbow: LGBT people drink more. LGBT people are also twice as likely to abuse booze and drugs. For what it's worth, gay men and lesbians together drain most of the nation's vodka supply. Not bad for a crumb-sized percentage of the U.
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Our Lesbian Guide to Portland

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Keeping It Queer in Portland: A PDX City Guide - AfterEllen

And yes, every day in this Queer Mecca is like an episode of Portlandia. The city does compensate with plenty of Queer-friendly bars frequented by hordes of lesbians. Whiskey being the drink of choice for Portland lesbians. Crush is a quaint neighborhood spot for a simple cocktail and some good eats. Perfect for a cute date or a calm night with friends. Most competitors are queer ladies with quirky names.
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Queer Girl City Guide: Portland, Oregon

Welcome to the PLCH, a social group in Maine for lesbians from all walks of life to share in activities, make new friends, laugh and have a whole lot of fun. Check the Home Page to see when the next event takes place, and read the Message Board to see what everyone is up to - from dances to book groups -from hiking to biking and everything in between. Note: If members are not active after one year, they will be removed due to lack of activity.
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By Kathy Belge. Portland is said to have one of the largest concentrations of lesbians on the West Coast. So, where do the lesbians hang out and how can you find them? On Alberta, the women are more likely to have tattoos and bicycles than baby bottles and Subarus. If wine, martinis, and vegetarian finger foods are more your style, then step into Crush.
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