If you're new here, you may want to get my discreet newsletter to learn how to make him sexually obsessed with you and only you. Click here to get it. It's free. It's discreet. You may be dealing with hormone fluctuations, cramps, bloating acne, hot or cold flashes and all sorts of other side effects. For some women, their breasts become tender and their cervix shifts.
These Period Sex Tips Will Make Your Next Romp the Best One Yet
What do strippers do about their periods? This. This is what they do.
A woman has divided opinion online after sharing a photo of her face and breasts covered in period blood. So, without really thinking of why or anything else, I just did. Both from happiness and sadness. After some crying I started laughing instead. You have no right to try and discourage her, plus does it really affect you?
Photo series celebrates the joy and intimacy of period sex
Whether you've read about it online or had chats with your girlfriends, by now you've heard that period sex can be pretty amazing. Plus, lots of men are finally admitting that they're into it , so it's unlikely you'll face much resistance from them if you want to give it a whirl. For those who are curious, here's everything you need to know about having sex on your period so that you and okay, your partner too can have a mind-blowing experience. If you feel so aroused during your period that the thought of waiting six days for sex is about as awful as a day in a torture chamber, you're not alone.
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