Am i a lesbian test

While they say gay men are easy to spot, female sexuality is more of a challenge. You may not have had a full on encounter with a girl, but do you sometimes question why you feel that sudden pull towards the same gender? Women tend to be more emotional, more romantic, and also more attached to fellow women by nature. It is difficult to know where the lines of friendship and attraction blur out. There are some stereotypes associated with girls who prefer girls over guys, but how true are they? This quiz uses personality questions and scientific findings to really determine how much of a lesbian you are.
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Am I A Lesbian? (Girls Only, Please)

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If You Score Less Than % On This Quiz, You’re Secretly A Lesbian

Below are some questions. You have to answer them according to your wish. Take the serious as well as funny lesbian test below. Imagine yourself dating or kissing, or even just holding hands with a sexy and attractive boy, what are your first thoughts? Imagine yourself dating, kissing, or even just holding hands with another girl, what are your initial thoughts this time? Have you ever had feelings for another woman?
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Am I Lesbian Bi Or Straight? (Girls Only)

Me and my friends take Buzzfeed quizzes almost every day. But there are also quizzes out there that claim to help determine some important details about yourself, such as your sexual orientation. Robert Epstein, an American research psychologist who polled about 18, people from over 40 countries. First, you give them some basic information, like your ethnicity, gender, and age, and then you take the test. The Buzzfeed lesbian quiz asks you to choose things like your favorite color, hot or cold, and up or down.
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Please leave empty:. Heck, no. That's disgusting. I haven't had my first kiss yet, but I want it to be with a girl.
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